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Atlanta Municipal Court Tomorrow Morning for DUI

Atlanta Municipal Court Tomorrow Morning for a DUI

After a DUI arrest, you will get a court date, but that may be all the information you'll receive. The police usually do not give you details about what to do, who to call, or what you can expect. For many people, a driving under the influence arrest will be their first experience with the court system. Going to court can be an intimidating experience. In addition to the unfamiliar experience, each court has its own set of procedures.

If you have a DUI court date tomorrow morning, you have to act fast. You may be wondering where you can get a public defender, or if you should represent yourself. But before you make that decision, consulting an experienced Atlanta DUI lawyer can actually end up saving you time and money.

If you are waiting to be assigned a public defender to handle your case, you may have to wait until after your court date. You may want to plead not guilty and ask the judge to assign you a public defender. However, not everyone is eligible for a public defender. You have to declare your financial situation, to be provided a public defender, saying a lawyer costs too much is not enough. Some public defenders are good lawyers, but they often have heavy caseloads, and won't be able to dedicate all their time to your case, answer all your questions, and address all your concerns.

There is a lot at stake in a Georgia DUI case, which can end up costing you in fees, fines, DUI school, community service, increased insurance premiums, substance abuse counseling, and even jail time. It can also lead to a criminal record which will follow you forever.

Appearing in Court

If you plan to handle your court appearance on your own, first and foremost, be on time. You should plan to arrive a little early to deal with parking, security, and finding the right courtroom. If you do not appear on time, you may end up with a “failure to appear” (FTA). An FTA will add additional steps and complications to your case and can even lead to you having a warrant for your arrest.

After arriving at the right courtroom, you will wait for your case to be called. Unfortunately, there is a chance that the court will not have time to hear your case, and it will have to be rescheduled for a different day, requiring you to come back to the court. If you are able to hire a lawyer, they will be able to appear on your behalf, so you don't have to take a day off of work, or spend hours waiting around in the courtroom.

Before coming to court, make sure you have any documentation you plan to reference in your case. The judge will not want to hear about something you left at home, or on your computer. It is also important to dress appropriately for court. Dressing professionally will show the judge that you are taking the criminal charges seriously. Treat the judge with respect, and show the court personnel with courtesy and professionalism. This may go a long way in making sure that you have the chance to state your case.

Atlanta Municipal Court DUI Lawyer

Remember, the police can arrest you, but it is up to the court to determine whether you will be convicted of the crime. This will be your best chance to have your case dismissed or have charges reduced. If you have any other questions about your DUI municipal court hearing tomorrow morning, contact an Atlanta DUI attorney who has dedicated their professional career to defending people charged with drunk driving. Call me today so we can talk about what happened when you were arrested, and I will be able to appear for you in court tomorrow morning.

Call Us 24 Hours a Day

We have a line that will be answered any time, day or night. If you have been arrested for DUI and are facing arraignment at 8:00am tomorrow, or if you are anywhere else in the judicial process, contact the Office of Richard Lawson as soon as possible. Call Us 24 Hours a Day: (404) 800-5810